Best Health Insurance Plan For Family Doesn't Have To Be Hard. Read These 3 Tips

There are three main factors to consider when choosing the best health insurance plan for family, for the sake of simplicity we call it 3C:
  • Coverage, 
  • Costs, and 
  • Comparison between plans. 
Each factor generates its own particular questions.

health insurance plan
When considering each of these factors, you can choose the most appropriate plan for you and your family. So here's the tips.

1. A Clear Understanding of the Coverage

Coverage means the range of health services offered by your health insurance plan, such as doctor visits, hospitalizations, maternity care, emergency room health care, and prescription medicine.

You will want to see what your plan offers, whether there are limits on some types of services, or a limit on how many times you can use those services each year.

Find out what services are covered beyond basic care and what services are not covered. If you need a specific type of care, such as orthopedic services, make sure your plan offers that kind of coverage.

Find out if the plan limits which doctors, hospitals and other providers you can visit, for examples:
  • If you have a preferred doctor, is it part of your insurance plan's network? 
  • What will happen if you want to see a provider who is outside the plan's network? Will you have to pay more? 
  • Are the doctors and hospitals that are part of the plan's network in a convenient location for you?

understand about insurance coverage
Good understanding about insurance coverage is necessary
If you spend a lot of time out of the state where you live, find out if you can get health care services in other states and how the network of providers is outside your state.

Check coverage for prescription medicine. Make sure the medicine you take regularly are covered, and if there are discounts for generic medicine or if you can get your medicine by mail.

2. Understanding the Details Regarding the Cost of Coverage

insurance cost rate
Is the cost is suitable for you?

It is important to understand the costs of your coverage. They are :
  • Premiums are the regular monthly payments you pay to your plan.
  • The deductible is the cost you have to pay for health services each year before the plan begins to cover costs.
    Let's say you have a $ 200 deductible. If you go to the doctor and the total cost is $ 250, you pay the first $ 200 to cover the deductible and the insurance company pays $ 50. Thus, you have covered the deductible for the rest of the calendar year.
    There are some services you can receive without having to pay the deductible, such as preventive care. 
  • Coinsurance or co-payment is the portion of the cost you will probably have to pay when you go to the doctor, get a prescription drug, or use another type of covered service.
    Coinsurance is a percentage, such as 20% of the costs allowed for a doctor's visit.
    For example, if the amount authorized by the plan for a doctor visit is $ 100 and you have already covered your deductible, your coinsurance would be $ 20.
    The co-payment is a fixed monetary amount. For example, you may have to pay $ 15 for each prescription drug or each doctor visit.

Consider the Health Insurance Marketplace

If you need health insurance, you can buy one in the Health Insurance Marketplace. This market makes it easier for you to compare and buy plans and is also a way to answer any questions you may have about health coverage. Through the market, you can:
  • Try the online shop and get help over the phone or in person to find the right plan for you and your family.
  • Compare health insurance plans based on benefits, costs and other features that are important to you.
  • Find out what kind of financial aid you could get to purchase health coverage.
You can compare the similar levels of each plan because the information for each will be displayed in the same way, using a language that is easy to understand.

You will see it when you buy coverage on your own or through your job, but not when you choose a Medicare plan. If you have health coverage and you have not seen the Summary of Benefits and Coverage, ask for a copy in the human resources department of your work or your insurance plan.

Providers who are outside the plan's network are doctors or other health professionals who are not part of your plan. Check if you have to pay more by visiting an out-of-network provider for your plan.

3. Do a Comparison of Some Insurance Plans

Once you understand the coverage and costs of the health insurance plan, you can start comparing different plans and choose the one that gives you the best value for the coverage you need.

Health law makes it easier to understand the coverage and costs of health insurance plans and compare them. Now, all plans must use the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) form.

compare health insurance plans
Make comparisons and take decision

Use this Health Insurance Cost Calculator to get an estimated cost of financial aid for which you could qualify, and an estimated cost of how much your monthly premium would be if you purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Thus the guide to find a health insurance plan for the family, may be helpful and provide benefits to you.

How Benefits of All Risk Auto Insurance Can Make You Better

All risk insurance is the most comprehensive policy available in the market for car insurance. But in turn, this type of insurance can make you confused with the characteristics. In addition, each company has its own additional personified to provide customers.

In order to establish the benefits of contracting insurance against all risks, it is necessary to know the most important aspects of it.

Hiring a full policy aims to fully support your heritage, to avoid major losses that can affect and maintain, in this way the full value of your car.

all-risk insurance
Life is full of risk

In terms of cars, what distinguishes all-risk insurance from third-party insurance is its cost, of course, but also the extent of coverage.

The driver is covered here even in the event of a responsible accident. It is therefore recommended for recent vehicles with a certain value.

The Insurers Not Offer This Type of Policy to All Vehicles

However, you should know that insurers not offer this type of policy to all vehicles. One of the main restrictions is the years of antiquity of the automotive; Between 5 and 7 years is usually the maximum allowed.

That is why you must take into account before you apply, the age of your vehicle whics is allowed by the insurance agency.

It is clear that this type of cover has a higher price than the traditional ones and it's must be clear that the amount depends on several factors.

Among the most important are:
  • The value of your own car,
  • The location of your home 
  • Your age as the owner
However, it is the only one that can make sure you cover all types of accidents.

Recover your car if 0 Km

Another advantage you perceive when hiring one of the insurance against all risk is that, if the vehicle is zero kilometer, the insurer replaces 100% of the value during the first two years in case of theft or total destruction.

Secure your car and cover your damages

The name against all risk is not a trite phrase, it is exactly what the policy covers.

In addition to covering the hull of the vehicle, damages due to natural phenomena clarified in the contract (usually hail is included), the crystals, locks, tires and partial damage are included all the unforeseen that may somehow damage your car.

As we said before, they are not interested in the conditions of the problem, but the company will take over.

For example, in the event that a car accident is witnessed and the other car is fled or you do not have insurance covering your actions, your coverage against all risks will be in charge of restoring the perceived damages.

An example that can help you make your decision is: What happens to damages and isolated accidents where only your car is involved?

We clarify, that the insurance does not cover only accidents in which two or more cars are compromised;

But another benefit is in unusual accidents such as falling a branch or complete tree on the car, hit a post, a wall, hit an animal on the road, etc.

Benefits vary by insurance company

There are certain types of additional that are included within the coverage all risk, and are particular of each insurer, being able to mention some examples:

  • Unlimited mechanical assistance: Crane service and assistance in case of need, such as change of tires, damage to the battery, loss of keys and others.
  • Delivery and placement of alarm.
  • Delivery and placement of satellite locator.
  • Automobile backup in the event of theft or total destruction: That is, the insurer provides you with a car for you to use until the time of replacement of your vehicle or its repair.
  • Assistance to the traveler in the event of a traffic accident.
  • Coverage in neighboring countries.
Let us see what are the guarantees offered according to the assured hereafter : Property Insurance.

To ensure that the insured can obtain its maximum all the guarantees that already offered.

It is included in the responsible accident, maintenance of vehicle damage, damage due to natural disasters, being victims of theft and vandalism.

Another advantage is if the vehicle is declared irreparable by the expert following a responsible accident, the value of the vehicle is fully reimbursed.

But we must remain vigilant about the contractual conditions. A discount may be provided for in the contract after one or two years. Insurers then offer bonus options to increase the value of the vehicle. It can be 15%, 20% or 40%. This is the best possible coverage to insure your vehicle, but this has a cost.

This is a complete but expensive form of payment, especially if you own a new vehicle, because the cost of an old car would be too high compared to the allowances you would be entitled to in the event of an incident.

If you are not sure that you need all the guarantees offered by the all-risk insurance policy, but the coverage offered by third-party insurance seems too low, you can always choose a formula card, proposed by most insurers. 

What can you do to reduce the cost of all-risk insurance for your vehicle?

The main problem with all-risk insurance is its cost. It is still possible to reduce the score with these three tricks.
  • Pay at once to your insurer
    It is obviously simpler to monthly auto insurance, but you will often get a discount if you choose to settle at one time.
  • Group your contracts
    If you have all your contracts with the same insurer, it will be easier to negotiate prices and make your loyalty to obtain a commercial gesture on at least one of your contracts.
  • Use price comparison
    They will allow you to compare in a few clicks all the auto insurance contracts with the various insurers.
cost reduction insurance
Cost reduction

Finally, I must say that insurance against all risks is more than recommended if you want to keep intact the value of your vehicle and preserve your assets, as long as the characteristics of the same meet the requirements to deliver that type of policy.

Although the value may be higher than other coverage, mostly the benefits are able to cover the expenses for the services provided.

What Is The Difference Between Savings Insurance And Deposit?

Savings Insurance VS Deposit

Fixed-term deposit is one of the best-known and safest bank products to save. But do we really know what savings insurance is? Through this article, we will try to clear any doubts.

Although at first glance the insurance of savings could seem to us a product very similar to a deposit to term, the fact is that they are quite different products.

The emergence of savings insurance has been a relatively recent phenomenon in the area of financial products for savings and investment.

Savings insurance has some superficial features that can make us confuse it with a deposit, however, if we delve into its characteristics with a higher level of analysis, we will see that there are notable differences between the two savings products.

In both products, there is a question : can you obtaining a certain profitability by means to invest money during a concrete period of time. And from here we will find that between deposit and savings insurance the rest are differences.

savings insurance vs deposit
Savings insurance VS Deposit
 Let's see how both products behave in different ways.

1. According to the security and guarantee that they offer

Time deposits are one of the most solid savings and investment products that can be accessed. In order for a bank to offer a deposit in some country, it must have the prior approval of the States Bank in order to start operating.

The case of savings insurance is somewhat more complex. For beginners, a savings insurance is mainly called: insurance.

This seems a no sense, but it is fundamental to understand that the organization that will offer us this type of products will be an insurance company and not a bank (although there may be banks that offer this insurance since they may have some insurance company belonging to their own group).

For this reason, savings insurance is not accountable to the same financial authorities as banking products. Ultimately, the guarantee of a savings insurance depends only on the solvency of the insurance company itself.

Although mentioned like that, the saving insurance should supervised by the General Directorate of Insurance, which depends on, in turn, the Ministry of Economy and the amount of the investment should be guaranteed by the Insurance Compensation Consortium.

2. Attending to the way of expressing its profitability

The profitability of deposits is measured through Annual Equivalent Rate.

An indicator of profitability used as a standard to be able to compare, so in a general way this is the profitability of financial products with different conditions.

This is the fastest way to know which product that will give you the most profitability in a year.

By this way, the profitability offered is clear.

In the case of savings insurance, another type of indicator which is used is: Annual Technical Interest.

This indicator, unlike the Annual Equivalent Rate, does not take into account of expenses and commissions that can originate from the contracting of the saving insurance.

This is especially important since savings insurance is usually linked to the contracting of life insurance, so we must pay attention to the expenses that may be originate of this.

On the other hand savings insurance basically requires regular payments as a new contributions to the insurance capital.

It is the expenditure of money you should think about when you are planning to save. Because you can not rely on capital you have saved until you use your savings insurance.

3. According to the form in which benefits are taxed

With regard to the taxation of deposits and savings insurance, there are no major differences. In some case it is only taxed on the profits obtained, for examples:

  •  It is taxed 19.5% for the first 6,000 euros of profits.
  • A 21.5% for profits of between more than 6,000 and 50,000 euros.
  • A 23.5% from 50,000 euros onwards.

In the case of savings insurance, the taxation tranches are the same but it's finalized only once at the end of the capital rescue.

4. Depending on the different amounts and terms of the investment

Savings insurance is products that make sense in the long run.

Normally a minimum investment period of 5 to 10 years is required, so we have to counting in detail that the profitability offered to you are enough to offset the effect of inflation that will hit real value of your money in a long time term.

Case study

By considering the interest rate currently offered, could the savings insurance as an alternative to consider? I raise it to obtain some profitability of those savings that are not expected to be needed in a term of 1 to 3 years.

  • Do they require high minimum amounts?
  • Do they offer any tax advantages?
  • Is there any product more recommendable than others?
  • Should attention be paid to a particular aspect when choosing?
  • Is there a better alternative?
Savings insurance are insurance policies that are invested in assets (conservatives in debt assets).

They have a lot of difference with the deposits:

  1. The guarantor is an insurance company, not the bank
  2. Despite the above, the insurance company has much harder solvency ratios than banks, and there is a consortium in the case of problems with insurers (same as car insurance).
  3. In issues of profitability, some do give more interest than deposits (the policy is invested in debt that pays good returns).
  4. Unlike investment funds, if the debt issuer that is invested in the policy is bankrupt, the insurer takes over
  5. One drawback of these products is that they carry commissions for various concepts
  6. Also, in some cases, the insurance structure may be somewhat complex: Some of the premium is intended for investment, but another part can go to conventional life insurance, if this is the case, it would be a "lost fund" ( If you do not die)
  7. Several alternatives are: direct debt issuances, solvent debt investment funds and hedge funds.

In summary, it will tell you that savings life insurance is products that consist of obtaining a determined yield in terms of its duration and amount in exchange for pre-set single or periodic disbursements. Thus, there is no randomness component with respect to the event to be covered, as in life risk insurance.

Of course, before you try this type of investment, you need to read carefully the conditions of the policy and in the case of doubt, you can make the investment through a simple product.

4 Tips About Boat Insurance You Wish You Knew Before Start

Exposed to numerous risks, comparable in many respects to a car, a boat deserves complete insurance to be used in the best conditions.

How to find the package to meet your needs? What price should we expect for the safety of a boat?

What is the interest of a boat insurance?

A boat, whether it be a motor boat or a sailboat, is an important investment, and often constitutes for its owner a heritage that must be protected.

To cover it in the case of damage, but also anticipate any problems that might arise for its passengers, you can choose an insurance formula according to your needs.

This reduced coverage is useful if you hit another boat and cause damage, but also if you inadvertently injure your own passengers.

Getting to sea requires a number of safety rules, and it is necessary to have a valid permit, but you are never safe from an accident.

Do not neglect the insurance aspect.

Unlike home and auto insurance, boat insurance policies can vary greatly from one insurer to another. How to find the best insurance?

boat insurance

Here are 4 tips to get you on the right track.

1. Inquire

Why not inquire with other boaters who have already submitted a claim? Good idea, but...

For proper operation, better to get the advice of the professionals you know. Ports employees, boat dealers, or mechanics. They can be good advice, and share your experience with you.

Insurance companies can be very effective in collecting monthly premiums, but it remains to be seen how they react when we find ourselves in the trough of the wave.

Most insurance companies do not deal directly with the public. So you need to find an insurance broker.

As example for boats over 26 feet with a 50 hp engine or more, you should go to a broker who specializes in pleasure boat insurance.

2. Ownership insurance or separate policy for the boat?

You should take out a separate policy for your boat rather than add an endorsement to your homeowner's insurance policy, as it often limits the risks associated with marine activities such as rescuing the boat, removing the wreckage, decontamination or environmental damage.

Whatever the amount for which the boat is insured, you should have a separate guarantee of an equal amount to cover the rescue work.

This means that you are compensated for the loss of your boat as well as for the expenses attributable to the removal of the wreck of a waterway.

3. Agreed value and the cash value of the loss

Navigators have two options for protection and depreciation is what sets them apart. A valued policy covers the boat for the amount agreed between you and your insurance company. Although this insurance costs more, without deterioration between the line of the account in case of total loss of the boat (but some partial losses can be amortized).

However, a disaster from the first day to assess the policy is cheaper, but takes into account depreciation and pays only the actual value of the vessel at the time of the total or partial loss, or the day it was lost.

4. First and foremost, consider your needs

A good broker will ensure that the policy you purchase meets your needs in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

For example, a specialized fishing vessel owner may require insurance for fishing gear, tournament insurance, and extended warranty if he is towing his boat over long distances.

Once you have found a broker, take the time to explain where, when and how you intend to use your boat.

Possible guarantees for the safety of your boat

boat insurance

To have complete coverage for your boat trips, you can choose custom collateral. Keep in mind that prices vary from one insurer to another sometimes in a very large proportion.

Also keep in mind that the price of the boat insurance is based on:
  • The size of the boat, 
  • It's type
  • It's value or its age. 
  • It is not always easy to compare with others! The navigation area, but also the value of goods on board also be varied to adjust the premium!
With this data in hand, complete your coverage with the following warranties, if you deem it necessary for you:
  • Ship body insurance allows you to receive compensation for the loss and damage to the ship.
  • Insurance losses and damages: Very practical, this comprehensive warranty that protects against the risk of fire, but also against theft, sinking and reimburses the necessary expenses for rescue.
  • Repatriation insurance: Just as surely as you can buy as part of a trip, the ship's insurance repatriation work in case of serious problems (illness, injury, grounding).
  • Theft coverage: a useful cover against theft, but also thefts, which covers personal property on board.
  • The individual marine insurance serves to cover the payment of compensation provided in case of personal injury.
If you are considering buying a boat, sailboat or motor, do not neglect insurance to go to sea with confidence!

Mobile Phone Insurance Worth It Or Not?

Do you think mobile phone insurance worth it or not? Today's smartphone is used for a large number of tasks, not just for making calls, but for photography, connecting to the Internet, sending SMS or Whatsapp etc.

We give a great value also for the information stored and sometimes use insurance is a good option, although you have to be careful with the price.

Only for the smartphones of the highest ranges, it seems to have some economic logic to get contract insurance for the mobile. And only for a time, once the mobile depreciates, it probably will not be advisable to continue having it insured.

On the other hand in the market, there are many applications that can help us both to find the lost cell, making use of GPS, how to back up and delete the contents of the smartphone when it is no longer in our power.

Why you need mobile insurance?

Possibly the most valuable object that many people carry is their mobile and a loss or theft can affect them to a great extent, not only by the loss of the device itself but by the information it may contain.

The solution may be to secure the device.

mobile phone insurance

Operators have found in mobile insurance a way to do business and, by the way, loyalty to a customer who changes almost as much company as clothing.

But you have to be careful because obviously, they do not give it away, as much their cost is included in the rate that you pay each month.

Seven coverage of mobile phone insurance

You can consider mobile insurance as an investment: you pay an amount per month that theoretically you can recover at the time your mobile is stolen or any of the circumstances provided in the policy you signed.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to examine what exactly the insurance you are going to hire. The best insurance for the mobile usually offer up to seven coverage:
  • Theft or robbery: the normal thing is that the operator offers you its replacement by a new device similar to the one you had in these cases.
  • Fraudulent use: the insurance covers a certain amount of money used illegally by the stolen or stolen the mobile phone.
  • Breakage: repair or replacement by a new device, but always under certain conditions.
  • Accidental loss
  • Oxidation cover
  • Faulty within warranty
  • Elaboration of a repair budget
An insurance policy that covers of all this (attention: because not all insurance currently marketed by the operator will do this) covers almost all of the problems that can be suffered by your favorite mobile phone throughout its lifetime.

Another factor to take into account, as we have seen above, is that the small print of the insurance is decisive when you hiring not only mobile insurance.

Make sure you have all the coverage need and that the limits are correct.

The coverage which is already included in the appliance warranty, or other insurance has been hired as home insurance should not be re-contracted.

Many insurance cover situations that are already covered in the warranty of the device

An important issue is that the insurance covers situations that are already covered in the two-year warranty that the manufacturer has to offer.

Some insurances include a franchise of 50 euros in case you have to make some repairs. If you add 50 euros at the cost of insurance, it is almost more cost effective to order the repair in any store or take advantage of the situation to buy another mobile.

Fraud in mobile usage after theft or any type of theft cases are covered only up to 500 euros. Such policies, in general, limiting coverage of such bad things, and coverage of of oxidation, for example, it only makes sense for a cell phone that has a long life span.

The policies generally do not contemplate the damages caused to the device by the sun or the rain.

Beware of the cost of mobile insurance

We come to the first element that should make us reflect.

The useful life of a mobile is not very long, especially since each month a new device, with more benefits and generally cheaper, comes to market.

So you have to decide if it really pays you to pay insurance for a mobile that initially has a lot of value but that depreciates very quickly as time goes by.

Mobiles are depreciated very quickly, it is advisable to take this into account when buying insurance
You just have to do a test.

For theft with violence or case of theft, the insurance company will require the submission of your complaint with the police. Bring your phone to a second-hand store and you will see that what they are offering to you. The offer will not be close to the price when the cost of the launch, it will even cheap.

That decision on whether or not the insurance is compensated is also a function of the type of mobile. It is not the same as a mobile phone voice than a smartphone of the top range, which is the most expensive that exists in the market. To help you make a decision, we will analyze what the insurance covers and its cost on each type of mobile. By reflecting on the policy, as we have seen before, violent robbery, subtraction, accidental damage, liquid damage, and loss by force, covers up to 500 euros.

There are insurances for the mobile starting from 3 euros per month

In a mobile phone voice or a mini smartphone, which are the cheapest appliances, the cost of insurance is usually three euros a month, about 36 euros a year.

In a basic or standard smartphone, with the same coverage as the previous one, the price of protection practically multiplies by two: five euros per month, 60 euros per year.

We have already begun to see that insurance is not so cheap, given the useful life of the mobile. 

But costs skyrocket as the range of the appliance is higher. In the case of a top-of-the-range mobile phone, which are the most expensive currently on the market, the insurance, for identical coverage as in the previous modalities, has a cost of 12 euros per month. 

Nothing less than 144 euros a year. This figure is pretty much what it would cost a second-hand mobile similar to the one you have stolen or lost.

Pay close attention to the fine print

To know if it really pays to take out insurance for your mobile phone, it is essential that you examine the small print of the policy.
So, if you lose your cell phone in a slip, or leave it forgotten at the cafeteria table, it is not theft, so many insurances do not cover that eventuality. Some policies even not cover mobile theft case.

Most insurance does not cover theft case

For theft with violence or case of theft, the insurance company will require the submission of your complaint with the police.

And generally, they will not take care of this problem until the police investigation provides evidence of the authenticity of the facts that it's really happening.

In the case of theft, the device operator will give is similar to what you had. Similar means similar, not the same.

Because here the operator applies the criterion of mobile value without offers or discounts. That is, they will not give you, in any case, a better mobile than the one you had, but will almost always be below.

In many cases, operators offering pre-owned parts of the device, although the device for the same model, whether it is new or has the same color or has brought application that has been installed on your phone.

Keep in mind also that the replacement of a device is not as easy as calling the operator and they give you a new mobile. There are queues, waiting lists, and a long process that does not always have a happy ending.

Best Auto Insurance Companies For High Risk Drivers In Florida

Trying to find one of the best auto insurance companies for high risk drivers in Florida that suits your needs and your budget is extremely important. These insurers may specialize in different things, such as drivers with a bad credit record.

Learning that companies are catering for your particular needs can help you find the best auto insurance policy at the best price.

If you are a young and inexperienced driver, or if you have been involved in a number of violations move, you may find it difficult to find insurance coverage; In particular, an insurance policy that has reasonable premiums.

However, there are some insurance providers that specialize in providing coverage for these high-risk drivers and rates are not always unreasonable.

Of course, you should expect that you want to pay more than the average driver because of the increased risk the insurance company assumes.

When looking for Florida auto insurance companies, it is also important to know that their business will be behind you in the event of an accident or covered incident.

Auto Insurance Companies

Cheap insurance premiums are fine, but if you have a business that takes months to settle your claim, you could be a lot more than the extra cost of going with a more trustworthy provider.

If your car is damaged and you rely on it for your main transportation, you will definitely want it repaired as soon as possible.

You can do an online search and find out if others have gotten into trouble with the insurance company you are considering.

You should also call customer service with a few questions and see how quickly and professionally they answer your questions.

If they are slow to react before you are a paying customer, chances are very good, they will not improve once you have entered into a policy with them.

Often people will find that even on how to find the best car insurance companies in Florida with the best insurance quotes available, the cost is beyond their budget.

If you find yourself in such a situation, there are a couple of things you can do:

  • First, you can increase your deductible; This will, in turn, reduce your premiums. However, you must be sure that you can cover the deductible in case of an accident.
  • Another way you can lower your rate is to find out what certain things are that have affected your premiums. For example, if you are an inexperienced driver, taking a road safety course can help you get lower rates.

Finding auto insurance companies in Florida that are willing to work with you is relatively easy.

There are even websites where you can request quotes from several insurance providers by filling out a single online form. Simple provide basic information and you will receive several quotes from different companies.

If you live in the state of the sun, you know the importance of auto insurance is. With so many drivers on the road, there is an accident every corner. More cities have a problem with auto theft.

Not only does it make it essential to have insurance but it can also make insurance rates higher than in other places.

That's why, when you are looking for cheap Florida auto insurance, you will have to do some work on the lowest rates. But do not worry, it is easy if you follow some advice.

Where to get auto insurance in Florida?

There are many auto insurance companies doing business in Florida.

National companies like Progressive and Geico are good choices for many, Direct General makes a good deal in Florida, and there are other options for some people like Auto Insurance USAA. There are also many states and local insurance companies that offer cheap car insurance in Florida. If you are in Miami, you can check out the United Automobile Insurance Group. Hugh Cotton Insurance has been serving the Orlando area since 1948.

In Jacksonville, Brightway Insurance offers auto, home, commercial insurance. Local suppliers like these can offer many people better rates especially if you are struggling to get insurance from larger companies.

You can get information on these companies and many others that operate in Florida by checking the yellow pages, your local chamber of commerce, or searching online.

Before getting insurance, you need to know what type of auto insurance you need. The simplest type, liability insurance, pays for damage to cars and the cost of access.

Florida law mandates that you have a liability policy of at least $ 10,000. However, liability insurance does not pay for damages to your car. Liability insurance is mandatory for all drivers in the US, but as it does not pay for most accident costs, many drivers for more coverage.

Full Auto Insurance

To pay the cost of damage to your car, the cost of repairs, medical expenses, property damage, and testing, you need a more comprehensive policy.

Especially in large cities, the risk of theft or an accident is high. Miami is one of the top ten rates of auto theft in the United States.

This makes the policies of Florida auto insurance collision and theft more attractive.

These spending plans a little more simple liability insurance, but the cost of fixing your car can be thousands of dollars. Not to mention, if your car is stolen.

To get cheaper rates on your car insurance policy, make sure you maintain a clean driving record. Your driving record is very important to the insurance company because it is a measure of your risk.

If you have some tickets speeding, and other traffic violations, the insurance company will believe that you are high-risk and give you lower rates. Another thing may be useful is to get a higher deductible.

This means that you have to pay more before the insurance company starts playing when you use your insurance. As a benefit, you will pay the lower premium per month.

Choosing a plan with a higher deductible can really help you get low-cost of best auto insurance companies for high-risk drivers in Florida.

Car Insurance For High Risk Drivers : Tips and Factors

When you need car insurance for high risk drivers, then the policy holder should think very well about how to reduce the rates of premiums, which will be above average prices. Please, find tips regarding this matter here.

High-Risk Factors

If you are in one of the following situations, you need a high-risk auto insurance.
  • Convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol or a suspended license.
  • Extremely drive fast sports cars, highly expensive cars, modified and rare.
  • Numerous speeding tickets or traffic accidents (regardless of who is to blame) implies that you are more likely to have an accident.
  • Beginners and young drivers.
  • Bad credit. Statistics indicate that drivers with bad credit present more insurance claims, therefore, a bad credit equates to an increased risk for the insurance company.

Maybe you want to know how to choose car insurance properly?

high risk car insurance
Identify your risk level when driving

Additional driver

Instead of looking for an individual insurance policy, a high risk driver should consider getting a policy linked to another driver.

If you live with someone who drives, you can have a policy that covers both, which can reduce the final cost.

You can become a less risky driver if you make some concessions.

Accepting a larger deductible will help reduce the cost of a claim, which can make an insurer feel more comfortable to activate your policy, and not qualify as a high risk driver.

Show your interest in accepting a policy that limits the number of miles you can drive in a given time. If you follow these tips, it may be enough to convince insurers that the risk level will be lower.

Type of car

A high risk auto insurance is almost always required when the insured is driving a powerful or high power car. Rectifies and opt for an average car that has a good safety record.

Check Your Registry

In order to get the best quote, you need to know exactly what is in your driving record.

Call the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or similar department and ask for details of the absences.

Pay the outstanding fines, and make sure the DMV updates your registration.

Ask them for all the tips on how to improve your driving and getting off the high risk list.

There is also something known similar as a report detailing the previous claims.

Insurance companies have been known to use fake data to alter drivers' risk levels, so be aware of your image before insurers.

Starting a course

Take a course in defensive or advanced driving, as these could improve your driving skills and lead to discounts from insurance companies.

Before starting a course, make sure it is recognized by the insurance companies, otherwise, you will lose your money.

There are a large number of courses available, but not all of them meet the required quality standards.

Search for discounts

Some insurers offer discounts for members of a credit union or for account holders in specific banks. Being a high-risk driver does not exclude you to take advantage of these discounts.

Ask for discounts available to the insurance company's customer service advisor.

Does your auto insurer offers the benefit of forgiveness of an accident?

Even a small auto accident can leave you with abnormal insurance costs.

To help solve this problem, some auto insurers have begun to offer the benefit of forgiveness.

If you have had an accident, auto insurance companies agree not to raise prices unnecessarily, but they use a complicated list of factors to count premium costs based on your level of risk.

Without the benefit of the accident forgiveness, the insurance company can simply claim that the person is a high risk driver, and apply the highest rates when it is time to renew the coverage.

Find another type of coverage

In most states, high-risk drivers who have been charged with extremely high rates by insurers, or even with denied coverage, have a few options.

One is a set of assigned risks, where some states maintain a system to force a company to cover a high risk driver. There is also a market called "non-standard auto insurance", where companies cater to a qualified high-risk driver.

Park in an area of lower risk

Some high-risk auto insurance or non-standard auto insurance are evaluated according to the location where insurers receive the most claims. If you live in an area of many claims, park the car somewhere else that can reduce the level of risk.

Be aware of your credit

Your credit history also goes into a risk assessment by the insurer. A good credit history may qualify you for specific plans. Take a look at your credit score and try to keep it current and perfect.

Compare the Prices

Comparing different auto insurers is one of the best ways to find cheap and affordable high risk auto insurance.

Using a website that offers price comparisons between various insurers will help you get a lower insurance rate and find the company that offers the cheapest quote.

To achieve cheaper rates, you must provide personal information and your self detail.

How to get rid of a bad record of managing your spouse?

If you are married and your spouse is a bad driver, you may be penalized for your bad record because you are sharing an insurance plan.

However, there are a few tips that help lessen that bad record of your spouse. Here are some tips where you can save a lot of money on high premiums.


Unfortunately, this is the most important factor in calculating insurance premiums for someone with a bad track record.

Problems with your driving record appear when the insurance company requests the information from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Fortunately, after a period of time, the premiums are not greatly affected.

In addition, many states have laws that do not allow insurance companies to penalize drivers after 3 years.

Amount of coverage

Try to increase the deductible of your comprehensive or collision coverage. A higher deductible means lower rates.

This is a good choice for someone who has a lot of speed ticketing but not for someone with a history of accidents.

That is a driving pattern that can result in a high price, but he or she can not be prone to an accident.

If you have already paid the car and lost a considerable amount of its value, it is best to abandon the comprehensive coverage completely.

It does not make much sense to pay the third of the value of a car every year in insurance premiums.

Of course, do not skimp on costs in your liability coverage if you want to have complete protection in case of a collision.

Type of car.

Changing your spouse's car type can have a big effect on your insurance premiums.

This is one of the main factors an insurer uses to calculate the cost of coverage. Change the type of car from 2-door to 4-door, or sports car to a standard one.

Driver Education

Often, insurance companies offer a price reduction to problem drivers if they attend a defensive driving course.

There are also courses available that are specifically tailored to those who like to drive at high speeds or to aggressive drivers.

However, remember that this price reduction is available every few years.

If your partner goes to a class and your driving habits do not change, that will discourage your insurer from continuing to offer this discount.

Separate cover

In the worst case, where none of the above councils can lower prices, the last option is the separation of coverage.

You can continue with your insurer, and transfer your partner to a less-than-standard high-risk provider.

Unfortunately, high-risk insurers tend to cut costs by removing extras that can be achieved in a standard insurance plan (such as roadside assistance or car rental coverage).

Being considered as high risk means that you pay more for coverage than a regular driver.

You have a greater risk of having an accident, getting tickets or driving under the influence of alcohol, according to the insurance company.

If you are at high risk, and your track record is improving, you can make the attempt to hire a new insurance or talk to your agent after a suitable period of time to see if the rates can be reduced.

In case it can be proven that the risk to insure you has decreased, the insurance company will reduce its rates. Thus all important things that you need to know about car insurance for high risk drivers,

Why Women's Car Insurance Is Cheaper Compared To Men's?

Why women car insurance is cheaper? Gender in combination with age is one of the main variables that influence the price of car insurance. In general, women obtain greater advantages when contracting their insurance, depending on their profile as insured or the specific characteristics of their vehicle.

For example, those under 25 years can save considerably when choosing their policy, reducing the cost of their insurance by 36-46%.

They are followed by women between the ages of 25 and 29, who can obtain an average saving of 23%, and in some insurers up to 35%.

Between the ages of 30 and 35, women can qualify for reductions ranging from 10% to 26% in their car insurance policy.

But other factors are also influential: many insurance companies argue that women often choose less powerful cars and use them less often, further reducing the risk of an accident. In fact there are women specific car insurance policies, with tailor made coverage and services.

Curiously, men take their driving license before women (average age of 21.3 years versus 22.9 years for them).

According to the data of the analysis, women's have fewer serious accidents and therefore obtain better offers when hiring their insurance.

woman car insurance

In fact, data from the DGT confirm that 90% of drivers were killed on the road during 2007 are male.

The decision by the European Union to bring gender equality to the world of insurance was approved in late 2012, the standard for insurers requirements, the same prices for women and men has paid off.

Thus, in just two years, the amounts of car insurance have not only matched for both, but have fallen by an average of 7% since the legislation was approved, according to data collected, after comparing more of one million ratings for the third quarter of 2014 compared to the same period of 2012 through its system.

However, the EU Equality Act has opposite consequences for every driver, since the former have seen the number of their auto policies increased considerably, while the men have benefited from a decline in the price of car insurance.

This change in policy amounts is especially significant for younger drivers, as the study compiled by the insurance comparator reveals.

In particular, auto insurance for 18-year-old women has skyrocketed by an average of 24% since 2012, while the amount for men of the same age has been reduced by 18%.

However, not all age groups have been affected to the same extent, since while the price has increased by 10.4% on average for women under 30 years, from the age 30,  the impact has been much lower, because for this age category, drivers gender is not such a main factor when calculating the price of car insurance.

Before the European Union's regulations came into force, for example, Spanish women between the ages of 18 and 25 paid 31% less than men of the same age for their car insurance, the percentage reach 39% in case of the 18 years novice drivers.

In addition, the EU's price equality law has brought other negative consequences for Spanish women. 

For example, since its entry into force, some insurers that vetoed men between the ages of 18 and 25 not provide to insure women in that age.  

In order to alleviate this situation and maintain the most competitive rates possible for them, some insurance companies have opted for the creation of specific insurance brands for women, promoting an image with a strong feminine character, in order not to contaminate such portfolios with men's policies, for which, under the aforementioned regulations, they must also guarantee the same price for men.

Gender is not only one factor used to calculate the price

Although gender was a relevant variable in determining the price before the application of the standard, it was by no means the only one. 

Factors, such as the age of the driver, the technical characteristics, and age or the history of the vehicle
are others variable.  

It is also important to recognize that different pricing according to the user profile is not a matter of discrimination, since the insurer determines the amount of policy based on the risk they will face and this is based on accident statistics.

In that sense, until the entry into force of the EU insurance price equality rule, some country legislation allowed differentiation by gender when calculating premiums and benefits, but only "when gender is a determinant factor of risk assessment from relevant and reliable actuarial and statistical data".

Currently, according to data from the DGT, there are more than four million drivers under the age of 30, who have been particularly affected by the new EU equality law in Spain.  

However, it should be remembered that price variations as a result of the regulation affect only new hiring, with exemptions for policy renewals prior to the entry into force of the law in December 2012.

However, as a comparison,  some of Europe countries that have already eliminated that factor of discrimination, ie Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, and Slovenia, has applying unisex insurance premiums of cars.

Car Insurance Tips for Texas Drivers

The state of  Texas requires that all car drivers must purchase auto insurance in order to legally handle and here you will find car insurance tips for Texas drivers.

Getting auto insurance with the right coverage for you at the lowest price can be difficult.

The Texas Department of Insurance provides sample rates from the best companies for consumer profiles, and a sample illustrates the variable cost. Read Texas Auto Insurance: Liability, TexasSure, TAIPA, TDI.

In Dallas County, auto insurance at the lower end could be $ 263 from GEICO to $ 886 from Esurance for the consumer married with a good driving record. The price differences are huge - over $ 600 from lowest to highest!

If you have general questions about car insurance, you can always call the Texas Department of Insurance at 1-800-252-3439. You can also see the Insurance Department of the document "Automobile Insurance Made Easy" at

car insurance

If you have to fill out a single form to get auto insurance quotes from multiple agents who speak Spanish and English, you can try Hablamos Seguros. Here are some useful facts that guide "Automobile Insurance Made Easy":
  • Compulsory auto insurance coverage in Texas includes: Liability Coverage with a minimum limit of $ 25,000 / $ 50,000 / $ 25,000. This coverage pays $ 25,000 for each injured person up to $ 50,000 total per accident, and $ 25,000 for property damage per accident

  • The auto insurance coverages that you should also take into account are: medical payments, personal injury protection, uninsured/underinsured motorist, collision, complete, towing and Work and Refund Rental

  • Car owners can save money on their Texas auto insurance in several ways:

    • Vehicle Type - auto insurance is more expensive for newer cars because it costs more to repair or replace them.

    • Zip or the county - where you keep your car and that can impact on the cost of your auto insurance. In high traffic areas, where there are more accidents, car insurance will cost more. In urban areas, you will have to pay more because of the greater number of accidents and theft rate compared to rural areas.

    • The mileage and use - The more miles you drive, the more your auto insurance are going to cost. If you drive your attention solely for pleasure, you pay less than if you use your car to go to work and vice versa.

    • Credit History - Your premium may vary based on your credit history as many insurance companies may use a consumer's credit score to determine the price of auto insurance. In such cases, generally, consumers with excellent credit ratings pay less than consumers with credit ratings. Improve your credit score and pay less for auto insurance.

    • Deductibles - You can increase your deductible to reduce your auto insurance costs, but make sure it is financially viable given your situation.

    • Driving History - Many companies offer discounts on auto insurance for consumers without accidents and violations. Drive safely and pay less on auto insurance.

    • Uninsured - If you drive an uninsured vehicle in Texas for more than 30 days in the 12 months prior to applying for insurance, your car insurance price may increase.

    • Multi-Policy Discount - Some insurance companies offer a discount to consumers who buy both their auto insurance and home insurance from them. This also makes it easier for you to have a single insurance agent to work with the service and/or claims.

    • Multiple Cars - Securing two or more vehicles in your auto insurance policy will cost less.

    • Couple Driver - If you are 55 or older, you may qualify for a discount by completing a driving improvement course. Texas law requires insurance companies to provide at least a five percent premium discount for each private vehicle in a car passenger policy in which all named insureds 55 years of age or older and have finished With a successful driver improvement course that meets the standards.

    • Good Student and Driver Insurance - Young adults in your policy will increase your auto insurance price.
      If the young adult is a good student (or belong to certain youth groups) and has completed a road education course, some companies offer a discount on their auto insurance. Make sure the road safety course is Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) - approved.

    • Retention Systems and Anti-Theft Devices - Many Texas insurance companies offer a discount on your auto insurance if your car is equipped with safety devices, such as certain anti-lock brakes for daytime running lights, airbags, Anti-theft devices and/or vehicle recovery systems.

    • Renewing the Discount Policy - If you renew the policy and have good claims and driving records, you may be eligible for a discount.

Thus some car insurance tips for Texas drivers.

Texas Auto Insurance : Liability, TexasSure, TAIPA, TDI

Texas Auto Insurance Requirements

Texas requires that you have the ability to pay for any damages and injuries caused by you in a car accident.

Most people buy the civil liability insurance to comply with this law.

car insurance
Need insurance?

If you choose to buy civil liability insurance to comply with the law, your policy must have the following minimum limits:

  • $ 30,000 per injured person.
  • $ 60,000 per incident injury.
  • $ 25,000 for property damage.

Did you know that in Texas you could get a discount on your auto insurance just by taking an alcohol and drug awareness course?

Please, learn more about Texas car insurance laws, quotes and programs.

The Most Stolen Cars in Texas

If your car is a frequent target for theft, you could pay a little more for your auto insurance.

According to, the following is a list of the most commonly stolen vehicles in Texas in 2013:

  • Ford Pickup (Large).
  • Pickup Chevrolet (Large Size).
  • Pickup Dodge (Large).
  • Honda Accord.
  • Honda Civic.
  • Pickup GMC (Large Size).
  • Chevrolet Tahoe.
  • Toyota Camry.
  • Chevrolet Impala.
  • Ford Explorer.
 Get a car insurance quote today and see how much you can save.

Other auto insurance

Texas only requires you to have liability insurance, but there are other types of auto insurance coverage options available to help protect you financially, which include:

  • For crashes - This will cover the damage of your car after an accident with other cars.
  • For All Risks - This will cover damages that could happen to your car after an incident that does not involve a car accident. For example, if the hail abolishes your car, you could be covered with all-risk coverage.
  • From Uninsured or Underinsured Drivers - The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) has established that about 20% of current TX drivers are uninsured. This coverage can help protect you from damage caused by these drivers.
  • Towing and labor.
NOTE: If your car is being financed, your lender or the leasing company will require you to have collision and all-risk coverage for your car.

Auto Insurance Alternatives

Buying liability insurance is the most common way to cover your financial responsibility, but there are other options:

     A surety bond for two guarantors who own property in Texas, with the same liability insurance coverage limitations.
  •  $ 55,000 in cash or securities / securities deposited with the State Controller.
  •  $ 55,000 in cash or cashier's check deposited with the county judge where the car is registered.
  •  Your own insurance certificate - for this you must have a fleet of 25 or more cars to qualify for this option.

Texas Proof of Insurance

Your insurance company will give you the insurance identification card that can be used as proof of your insurance. 

You must show proof of insurance when:
  •   A police officer asks you.
  •  You have a car accident.
  •  Register or renew your car registration.
  •  Request or renew your driver's license.
  •  Do the inspection of your car.
Your insurance provider should provide you with a new insurance card each time you renew your auto insurance policy.

Most insurance companies give a minimum term of 6 months for a policy.


TexasSure is a program that helps several Texas government agencies verify electronically if you have auto insurance.

Among the agencies that TexasSure uses are:
  • The Texas Department of Public Safety.
  • The sheriff's and police departments.
  • Vehicle registration offices.
If there are issues related to your Texas auto insurance information, you will receive one of the following notifications:
  • Notice of Discrepancy - According to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), less than 1% of insured drivers can not be rigged with their TexasSure car registration. You will receive this notification if in your history you appear to have car insurance but it does not match your car.
  • Uninsured Notice - You will receive this notice if you have a registered vehicle but this vehicle has no insurance history.

Fines and penalties for violations

Violation of Texas auto insurance laws can bring severe consequences, including the following fines and penalties:
  •  For your first conviction:
    From $ 175 to $ 350 in fines
  • For additional convictions:
    $ 350 to $ 1,000 in fines.
    A possible suspension of your driver's license.
    A possible confiscation of your car.

Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association

Drivers with a poor driving record could find it difficult to find car insurance. 

If two (2) insurance companies have declined to insure you, you can purchase your auto insurance through the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association (TAIPA).

To qualify for the TAIPA program, you must:
  • Have a valid driver's license or be in the process of applying for one.
  • Live in Texas or have a car registered in Texas.
Make sure that two (2) insurance companies have turned you down in the last 60 days.

You do not have to have proof of insurance rejection, but you will need to sign an affidavit stating that two (2) insurance companies have turned down your insurance application.

The coverage of TAIPA

Through TAIPA, you will be covered with the required minimum liability coverage:
  • $ 2,500 for personal injury protection.
    An uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage:
  • $ 30,000 per personal injury.
  • $ 60,000 per incident injury.
  • $ 25,000 for property damage.

The payments

TAIPA only allows the purchase of annual policies; However, you have several options for making payments that include:
  • Pay your full premium in advance.
  • 8 installment payments - For this you will need to pay an initial installment of whatever is greater: or 20% of your premium or $ 40.

To leave the TAIPA

If you have obtained auto insurance through TAIPA and have spent three (3) years without any auto accident or traffic violation, your insurance provider must take you out of the TAIPA program and offer you standard auto insurance at a higher rate low.

Help for your auto insurance complaints

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) offers assistance with any complaints you may have about insurance companies, including your auto insurance provider.

The most common complaints that the TDI helps solve are:
  • Disputes over benefits and claims.
  • False advertising.
  • The misrepresentation.
  • Suspected insurance fraud.

The TDI can not help you with the following:
  • Determine who was at fault in a car accident.
  • Resolve disputes between your insurance provider and you when the only test is your word.
  • Forcing insurance companies to pay a claim dispute or make an exception to the rule when no insurance law was broken.
  • Give legal advice.
To learn more about how you can get assistance with your auto insurance claims, visit the TDI website.

Be careful and prudent will not only keep your auto insurance premiums up, but it will help you to find affordable car insurance right from the start.

5 Best Health Insurance In Indonesia 2017

Health insurance has a pretty good market share in Indonesia.

In 2009, according to WHO, 60% -75% of people in Indonesia, has been privately defray their health care.

This is due to lack of public knowledge about health insurance.

However, the current public awareness of the health and finance continue to grow over time.

This awareness makes many insurance companies competing to offer health insurance products that offer the best service to customers.

As a customer or client of course you have to be clever to sort out which health insurance best suited for you. Therefore, please refer to reverse order of the list of five best health insurance in 2017 as follows:

5. Smile Medicare - SinarmasMSIG Insurance

Who does not know the Sinarmas?

The company managed to occupy the fifth place through their health insurance products.

The reason is the insurance products offered by the Sinarmas is unique, it is because the non-application of underwriting, in the process of submission of insurance.

With a few simple questions such as height and weight, you can get health insurance from the Sinarmas that can be fairly cheap.

There are several advantages offered by Smile Medical of insurance from the Sinarmas, include:

  •     No inner limit
  •     Cost for 7 days before treatment and after treatment for 30 days fully covered by insurance
  •     Payment of premiums tend to be flexible

4. Avrist Sehati - Avrist Insurance

In the fourth place, the insurance company Avrist emerge through a health insurance product called Avrist Sehati.

Indeed, the name is not as big as other insurers, but health insurance products offered fairly enticing.

The price range of rooms ranging from 200 thousand to 2.5 million rupiah per night can be obtained through this insurance.

Not only that, it also bears a health insurance for outpatient chemotherapy and dialysis if you have to run the treatment. The advantages of this health insurance include:

  •     Having the option of quite a big room of 200 thousand to 2.5 million rupiah per night
  •     Using the system claims to the room rates above 1.25 million
  •     An additional benefit for outpatient chemotherapy and dialysis
  •     For chronic diseases, the time of outpatient care after hospitalization, having very long period, ie 60  days
  •      Premium costs is relatively cheap

3. Smart Premier - Allianz Insurance

Allianz big name has no doubt in the financial industry.

As one of the world's largest insurance company, Allianz would provide the best service to its customers.

One of their health of insurance product, Smart Premier, occupying the third place in the list this time.

There are so many advantages that can be utilized by the users of this insurance, include:

  •     Having some rooms option with premium class from 6 million rupiah per night, designed for customers who wish to seek treatment abroad
  •     There are more benefits for people with HIV / AIDS
  •     Outpatient chemotherapy and dialysis covered with considerable value
  •     Inner limit for the benefits operating costs are quite high
  •      Not use a prorated system

2. MiUltimate - Manulife Insurance

Again, a big name in the list of the best health insurance in 2017.

This time, MiUltimate of Manulife Insurance is in the second place.

By prioritizing the interests of customers in matters of health, Manulife products through MiUltimate provide hospital facilities in Indonesia and overseas.

Thus, for you who want to go to Singapore can also be covered by this insurance.

MiUltimate of Manulife insurance products have some advantages as follows:

  •     Dual system of room charge
  •     The cost of treatment is paid 100% as long as within allowable limits room charge per nigh
  •     Outpatient costs after hospitalization covered for 60 days
  •     There are added benefits for outpatient chemotherapy and dialysis
  •     There are added benefits for people with HIV / AIDS
  •     Funeral expenses of 30 million rupiah for all room classes

1. International Health Plan - Pacific Cross

Maybe you rarely heard of this company.

Yes, the Pacific Cross which has its headquarters in Hong Kong is not so well-known in Indonesia.

Formerly, the Pacific Cross has cooperated with local insurance Indrapura.

However, now Indrapura been acquired by FGP Group, so that the current the Pacific Cross cooperate with FPG Indonesia.

  Although the premiums are relatively expensive, the insurance product has several advantages including:

  • All rooms VIP system or Class 1
  • The cost of treatment is paid 100%
  • There are other benefits for people with HIV / AIDS
  • There is a renewal clause guarantee
  • There are discounts of up to 75% and various other discounts for customers who not take the benefits of treatment in some foreign countries.

Thus the 5 best health insurance in Indonesia, hopefully this information can help you.

10 Tips for Choosing Good Health Insurance

10 tips for choosing good health insurance - As an employee, you should prepare yourself with health insurance. Why? First, the cost of treatment is constantly increasing and the disease can be approached at any time.

Second, health insurance will give financial security when you get sick or get an accident. Thus, the cost of treatment in hospital will be borne by the insurance company under the terms of the agreements in the policy.

Well, from many health insurance products that circulated today, which one should you choose? If you are still confused, here are 10 tips that will help you choose a good health insurance.

Health insurance

1. You need to understand what kind of health insurance products

Broadly speaking, there are two types of products offered by health insurance companies, the hospital and hospital cash plan benefits.

Insurance product with the type of hospital benefit provides reimbursement in detail on a lot of costs that we spend in the hospital during treatment.

The system used is a cashless claims or non reimbursement; usually payment of treatment in hospitals is done by using a health insurance card.

Meanwhile, hospital cash plan is a type of insurance products that offer reimbursement to the amount of (nominal) specified, under the agreement at the beginning of the contract. For example, $ 500 per day when the customer treated in the hospital, no matter what the real costs incurred by the customer.

The system is a reimbursement claim, the customer pays in advance for medical expenses that will be reimbursed by the insurance company after filling out the form submission to reimbursement.

2. Adjust to your needs

Various health insurance products often leave you confused, so could you pick the wrong health insurance and less according to your needs.

To prevent this, understand your needs and your medical history. After that, select the proper health insurance, then the effect will ease the financial burden for you and your family.

One financial planner from the firm of financial consultants, providing advice, ie to collect in advance about what kind of service that you want and under the budget you have.

For example, you collect data on the cost of treatment in hospitals and related facilities (eg VIP class with a doctor visit costs USD $250 other facilities). After collecting all the data, then later you are searching what health insurance that fits your needs.

3. Learn about the benefits that you will get

Before choosing a health insurance, you must know in advance the benefits you will get.

For example, the benefit is the guarantee of get the funds needed to pay for health needs of you and your family as customers.

Thus, you do not have to worry anymore about health care costs. Fairly to make a claim and prove authentic evidence such as receipts of payment, the insurance company will pay the cost of treatment in the hospital.

Another benefit is that you will manage finances well, because you have to pay a premium every month.

In other words, you have to set aside your salary as an employee for pay  premium as a reserve fund for your health.

4. You need to know which hospitals work closely with the insurance company and the type of treatment that can be given

In choosing health insurance, you must know the hospital that can receive a claim from the insurance company.

We recommend that you choose an insurance company that can receive claims from hospitals or from hospitals that are within easy reach, or close to where you live.

Make sure you know which hospitals work closely with the insurance company you choose and what kind of treatment they are able to give.

In general, there are two types of treatment offered health insurance company ie ambulatory (out-patient) and hospitalization (in-patient).

There are also insurance companies that bear the cost of labor and dental care.

5. Select the right premium according to your finances condition

Full-cost premiums and dependents is a dream of every health insurance customers. However, things you need to know is the more complete the coverage, the higher the premium you should pay.

If you want to preparing your funds to your health, then choose the insurance that will not ruin your financial situation.

Do not let you overlook your health these days, because of basic needs are not fulfilled due to pay a high premium.

Therefore, choose the health insurance premiums according to your finances. For example, you pay the health insurance premiums of 10% of your salary.

6. Check  the insurance company credibility

Insurance is a long-term product. Because of its long-term, you should select an insurance company that is credible. The way is to look at their experience in dealing with health insurance services and process of claims.

Do not be tempted to believe fast and inexpensive premiums offered with benefits as well as the type of treatment is complete.

Each insurance company has the kind of care and different premiums for their clients and details of coverage is different also.

All of the information listed in your policy so read it carefully.

7. Examine for ease of claims

Many customers who feel cheated because they have to pay the medical expenses at the earliest.

In this case, they actually take out an insurance product with a reimbursement system.

Now, lest you be customers who feel aggrieved. Go carefully about the ease of health insurance claims system which would you choose.

Basically there are two types of system claims, which is cashless and reimbursement.

In a cashless system or non-reimbursement, usually payment of treatment in hospital, performed using a health insurance card.

While in the reimbursement system, health insurance customers need to pay in advance all the medical costs incurred, then charge to the health insurance companies, by attaching the receipt of payment from the hospital.

8. Compare with insurance products from other companies

Growing number insurance companies offering various products and health care benefits, should make you have more choices.

Do not just glued to one insurance company only.

You should seek information about other insurance companies and compare their insurance products.

Things you should look into insurance are comparing product is a monthly premium, the type of health care, the system claims, provider or hospital that is cooperating with companies, and other benefits offered by health insurance companies.

9. Avoid taking out insurance through tele-marketing

Insurance agent recruitment on clients generally done face to face directly.

However, there is also an insurance agent who contacted prospective customers via telephone or tele-marketing.

Because of the shortness of time, insurance products can not be explained in detail.

We urge you to ponder, analyze and seek more information before deciding to take the offer.

If you have already become a customer and want to stop the contract, typically premiums collected are not refundable.

Remember, if you are not careful to choose today, you will lose tomorrow. So, have a few days to think about before you decide.

10. Choose pure health insurance

If you need a comprehensive health insurance benefits but have a limited budget, you should have health insurance purely on its own.

Pure health insurance premiums relatively low compared to the investment plus insurance.

This is because pure health insurance fund will not used for investment purposes.

Choosing a good health insurance need a special strategy and should not done in a hurry.

Try the ten tips above so that you get a health insurance that fits your needs and your financial condition. If necessary, seek advice from your financial planner, so your choice really proper.

Read :

How To Choose Car Insurance Properly?